🥔 It's not potatoes this time, it's togetherness!

The Toronto Stationery Show starts today!(Click here to visit!) If you know us, you’re probably a paper person. So are we. And therefore we all love the Toronto Stationery Show!But. BUT! There is a pandemic. And so the show must be virtual this time. VIRTUAL! Still good, and happy to have it, because otherwise there would be no stationery show (and what a travesty that would be), but zounds, it flies in the face of what paper people are all about, no? NO! So we’ve been having a think about how we can still achieve that ephemeral sense of real...
Our new catalogue is out!
Cute cards Made in Canada Stationery

We're happy to show off our latest catalogue! Click here and see what's new! (After you click the title to open the blog post.)
How we're handling the plague.

Hello! Hope you're finding a reasonable path through these tangled woods. We miss people. A lot. We miss you, too, and we might not even have met you! At any rate, this is the situation we're in, so may as well make the best of it. Thought we'd let you know how we're handling things on our end. We'd built up our inventory levels quite a bit in anticipation of our January show season, so our stock was made before everything went haywire. Every order we process starts with proper handwashing before touching anything. Also, in our day-to-day lives we're...